Stunlock's V Rising resulted in a profit of 213 million SEK

After releasing their first game in nearly seven years, Stunlock Studios has achieved remarkable success. Their vampire and survival game, V Rising, quickly gained popularity and has been sold in millions of copies. In 2022, the game's success resulted in an impressive profit of 213 million SEK.
Last year in May, Stunlock Studios launched the game V Rising. In the very first week, the game sold one million copies. In just one month, sales climbed to an impressive two million copies. By the end of the year, it had sold three million copies.
"We had a positive feeling and also received positive feedback from tests and focus groups during development, but the reception it received exceeded our expectations," says Filip Wannerskog, CFO at Stunlock Studios, to DI Digital.
"Blood, sweat, and tears"
Stunlock Studios was founded in 2010 by a group of dedicated game developers through Science Park Skövde's startup program for games. Their major breakthrough came in 2016 with the game Battlerite, which generated an annual turnover of up to 50 million SEK until 2018. The game company's annual turnover for 2022 reached 458 million SEK, resulting in a profit of a full 213 million SEK.
"It's been many years of blood, sweat, and tears to get where we are today," says Filip Wannerskog to DI Digital.