DONNA is a network created for game development students in higher education and alumni who identify as female, trans and non-binary, with the mission to make the Swedish games industry more inclusive.

years in the making of organizing DONNA DAY
game development students in DONNA network
alumni in DONNA network
years since DONNA started


A day to be inspired and have fun!

Every year, in connection to Sweden Game Conference, DONNA organize DONNA DAY for female, trans and non-binary game development students at a Swedish higher education.

Game student attending DONNA DAY 2023
"DONNA DAY is a great event to meet new like-minded people. In this space, discussions flows effortless between students, alumni and professionals. An amazing opportunity no matter where you are in your career at the moment."

Game student attending DONNA DAY 2023


DONNA was founded at the University of Skövde in 2011 with the intent of inspiring female adolescents to study game development and become game developers. Since then, we have been working on making it easier for game students and game developers who identify as female, trans or non-binary to take place in the Swedish games industry. By working together the industry, we strive to include, identify and remove obstacles that students experience when entering the job market.

Every year, DONNA organize the DONNA DAY conference with the main purpose to create an create an all-inclusive meet-and-learn event for game students from all over Sweden. The goal with DONNA DAY is to inspire and recruit more women, trans and non-binary people to the games industry. The idea for DONNA DAY was born out of a discussion with industry representatives after a talk about DONNA during the Game Developers Conference 2017 in San Francisco.

DONNA goals

  • Increase the number of female, trans and non-binary game developers and entrepreneurs
  • Create gender equality in the games culture, education and industry
  • Create activities based on co-creation for primarily female, trans and non-binary game developers as target groups

Are you DONNA's next partner?

DONNA is always looking for partners that wants to make the Swedish games industry more equal.

DONNA offers several examples of events that partners can sponsor with primarily female, trans and non-binary game devs as target groups. The events that is organized under the DONNA brand is based on co-creation together with our partners.


DONNA DAY is a two-day mini conference to inspire and support female, trans and non-binary game development students and junior developers.

DONNA Network Event

A DONNA Network Event could be a networking event with a host and a program filled with talks, panels and mingle.

DONNA Start Up

DONNA Startup Up is an event with the purpose of encouraging women to start their own company.

DONNA Work Fair

DONNA Work Fair is an event to match recruiting companies with female, trans and non-binary game developers.


DONNA Lunch is an opportunity to gather the DONNA network, so the members get a chance to meet and talk.


In addition to lunches, social gatherings around a drink is very appreciated among game developers. A DONNA Meet Up is an After Work for DONNA members and friends.

DONNA Master Classes

DONNA Master Classes are lectures/workshops that aim to increase companies’ awareness and knowledge around gender equality, diversity and inclusion.


Contact me if you want to be a volunteer, is interested in becoming a partner or have questions relating to DONNA or DONNA DAY.