We are going to Gamescom!

Through a unique project, we gather and strengthen collaborations between Swedish game clusters and make companies more ready than ever to enter the international market.
These companies are going with us to Gamescom this year:
Sweden Game Arena
- Flamebait
- Mistwave Interactive
- Soupmasters
- Pixel Valley
- Oddiko
- The Fully Arcade
Game Habitat
- Transcenders Media
- Gustav Wall Music
- Spellcaper
- Golden Possum Games
- Spelkollectivet Sweden
- Systemic Reaction
- Mana Brigade
- Tarsier Sudios
The Great Journey
- Agera Games
- Forgebyte Studio
- Philisofic Games
- Team Velocita
- Shaping Games
- Insanto Studios
- Firma Lukas Lundin
- Omniscape Entertainment
Arctic Game
- Aurora Punks
Get our booklet
Do you want to learn more about the companies? Check out our Booklet Gamescom 2022!